Translucency doesn’t photograph brilliantly, so let me talk you through this. The hands and feet are cast in clear water resin, and left to right some objects set inside them as follows: an eye in a hand, a marble in a foot, a pinned moth in a hand, an eye in a foot, and a hand holding a tooth. As ever, the words are from Aurthur Mee.
I have a stash of new materials on my desk I am yet to use – some watch faces, more dolls eyes and some magpie feathers. They are calling to me as we speak, but I need to do some sensible things this week, like marking and finishing writing a review for Poetry Salzburg Review. I head off to the lovely Ledbury Poetry Festival on Friday -I have a reading on Sunday morning, so I may not get to play with the new materials till after then. I’ve just had to order a new trampoline, but that’s another story entirely.